Your Attractive Heading



This makes me emotional and I’m expressing it.
I have no difficulty holding both logic and emotion at the same time, and it does not diminish my powers.
Lawyer Barbie
Doing the Work


Activate your power

Unblocking your throat chakra to step into your intuitive knowledge.


Let your river flow

When you begin to speak your truth, you will notice the changes all around you!


Doing the work together

It’s time to cut the bullsh*t. Loving yourself can be hard but it is much easier with support.


What is the work?

Group Sessions with powerful women, just like you!

Let’s be honest

Logical Awareness

Bringing light to the situations which cause us to shrink & stay quiet. We have been taught one way of living and that just doesn’t work for us. So, let’s try another!

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Get rid of what does not serve

Remove the Blocks

Clear the sh*t that keeps you from enjoying the life you imagine. Starting small, you will quickly begin to recognize the genuine from the noise. You already know – listen to yourself.

Live how you want

Become the true YOU

When we trust our inner wisdom, life works with us. Becoming clear with our thoughts, words, and actions creates space to really be happy.

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Blackbird Journals

Creative writings and true stories – for women, by women, about women...
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The Broken Cup
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An Orchid in the Desert
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Dark Water Confessions
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A Day with Grammie
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Working with Your Sex Goddess

emily JANE


We are the knight in shining armour…

Violet Saige is built on a simple goal – being free to live as we please. Creating space for women to exercise their voice and trust their inner knowing is my whole life.

We are living in a world that is on fire while we wait for someone to put it out. We are that someone. We will save the day, but first we need to remember how powerful we are.

If you have been waiting for the opportunity to feel and grow in your power, this is the invitation. Violet Saige is a community of women who no longer wish to wait around and see what happens – we are making it happen!

Ready to Start the Work?

We would love to have you join us! The world needs your voice and we are here for you. Let’s book an intro chat to answer your questions and see how to move forward into your power.

Some of

Our clients